Play Time & After Hours...
Don't fancy any of our workshops? Or looking for a little something on the side? We'll have plenty of activities designed to help you relax & unwind. Plus a cracking evening line up of socials and entertainment.
The Great Outdoors
We know the power of nature - from forest bathing & sunrise yoga to country strolls and maybe even some more extreme outdoor pursuits we're going to have you contemplating moving to the sticks in no time.
Get Creative
Feeling artsy? From printmaking to poetry workshops, music making to creative writing we'll have a whole host of creative pursuits for you to try.
After Hours
This is no TAA residential - forget home teams and late night lectures After Hours is when we kick back and relax - the planning team are cooking up an amazing program (suggestions so far include everything from silent discos to an anything but clothes party & stand up comedians) so keep your eyes peeled for the final line up in June!