The Workshops:
Choose your track or pic 'n' mix...
All our workshops will fall into one of the three tracks below & you're welcome to join as many or as few sessions as you want to. The full program and how to sign up for workshops will be announced nearer the time.
Rest to Reset
Workshops to help you pause, take stock and redraw your boundaries, so you can reset and be ready to face the world on your return.
Cultivate Curiosity
The best part about a restful nights sleep? Dreams! That's what this track will be all about reimagining what's possible, challenging our understanding of current issues and dreaming big dreams about the world as it should be.
In Community
Self care is only ever a part of the puzzle when we think Rest Is Resistance. In this track we're going to be talking all things collective care and how we rebuild our Alumni Community rooted in these values going forwards.